
Training on DHIS2 Data Analysis

As part of the continuation of DHIS2 implementation activities in Comoros, from 10th March, HISP Rwanda in collaboration with the Government of Comoros transferred the capacity regarding DHIS2 data analysis and quality. The figure below is about the closing of the first week, with the National DHIS2 technical team (Key technical persons representing different programs and partners whose capacity is continuously being strengthened for them to ensure DHIS2 implementation in Comoros). They were trained as trainers to train other sub national DHIS2 users.

Heading to the implementation of three Ds(Data availability +Data quality+Data Use), as part of the DHIS2 implementation activities in Comoros,HISP Rwanda in collaboration with the government of Comoros has been able to train more than 25 national DHIS2 national trainers, facilitated the cascaded training of more than 50 district and Regional data managers and program coordinators. Today, we had a dissemination meeting, chaired by vice General secretary of the ministry of health, with all program representatives, and key partners.
